Urban Planning
"The green mile"
Location: Sovico (MI)
Doc.: A. Canevari
The Municipality of Sovico is situated in Brianza, a little centers in the north of Milan, where the hills goes gradually extinguishing in the wide plain.
The main road of Monza and the railway line, rappresent a big limit, that divided in three distinguished zones the municipality.
To east the border with Triuggio is crossed by the course of the Lambro river, that it slides from north to south, marking. The Valley of the Lambro occupies 32 hectares and is subordinate to tie. The situation today is a development of the residential one and the manufacturer without a precise design and defined zones so as to inside avoid the cohabitation of industries of the residential urban fabric. Our job has left from a study on like anticipates Sovico. We have drafted a classification of the state to all purposes and effects of the various, areas present greens and practicability in our municipality.
Three are the key words of the plan: bicycles, botanical garden and ecology.
Bicycles like instrument in order to connect the two parks.
Botanical garden for the recovery of a territorial identity.
Ecology online with the European tendencies.

Urban Planning

This is the new park with a new function for kids and a new library

Lighting system