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Church of Lazzaretto

Location: Gallarate (MI) 

Doc.: P. Gasparoli

The church was built in the 1721 in commemoration of victims of the plague. Indeed the building was previously a shelter used to isolate and give cares to people infected by the plague.  

That is why the quarantaine station was built in an isolated area and near to a river. 


Nowadays, the church has varied problems due to insufficient maintenance, the river which damages the structure, previous bad restructure and a lack of habitual frequentation             (absence of heating system). The project aimed to restore the whole building including an experiemental heating technology and giving a new purpose to the church and create a library.

Photos and loft in project


The lines guide of the projec are the respect and the conservation of the existing.It is chosen to take part in the reversible most possible way guaranteeing to the building in respect of the enforced norms.


The plan has the main objective to establish a correct relationship between the existing building, its history, its meaning and the new function of literary cafè..


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