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Comacina Island

“Among the most interesting archaeological sites in northern Italy in the early middle ages”


The work presented, developed after a long period of study and research, wants to show how a shrewd plan of management and enhancement of cultural heritage could improve its effectiveness when accompanied, in its planning, by the theme of “communication” of heritage value. The theory accompanying the thesis is fundamental , according to which participation and public involvement in heritage enhancement projects are always preconditions for a more sensitive and spontaneous reflex, but above all indispensable opportunity to seize a value that would otherwise remain unexpressed. The Comacina Island experience allowed to try to prove it. It is an Italian heritage yet to be discovered (shaping up as the title of the thesis) and brings a cultural value to be disclosed and a story to tell. Finding the right way to do is the intention which begins this thesis. We will try to tell how, and why, a multimedia tool could be the right product for the “communication” of cultural heritage value: the book accompanying the product begins with an analysis of the national legislative framework (from the Franceschini Commission up to present days) to trace legal concepts evolution promoted as part of the cultural development; the theoretical premise continues reflected in the “Comacina Island” system, forming the study path guideline, whose results are presented as the theoretical content of the product information; finally the last part is the description of the multimedia product, in the theoretical principles and the more technical aspects (structure and content organization) that characterize it.



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