Project Leader - Residential August 2016 – Now
DCA Design Consortia Australia, Melbourne
Development of many building types ranging from high and low residential projects, serviced apartments, all-suite hotels, commercials and retails. With specific focus on developer-oriented design providing maximised outcomes and solutions with emphasis on buildability efficiency.
Draftsman - Residential February 2016 – Now
MANIarchitecture, Melbourne
Development of residential projects with the aim to deliver high quality and sustainable designs.
Assistant architect
in the office of C. M. Corsi, Liberazione St. 42, 20124, Milan
September 2008 – June 2013
Processing and management of relating urban plans EXPO 2015; planning of the renovation and restoration of a historical villa, property of the Council of Milan; planning of an elementary school; collaboration in the urban plans for “the Gallaratese” zones of Milan; Requalification and restoration of a holiday home near Genoa in a historical complex.
Assistant Urban Director of the daily activities in a construction site for EXPO 2015
Master Thesis and advance work experience
April 2012 – April 2013
Collaboration for the Foundation of Comacina’s Island associated with Milan Council, Como Council and the Politecnic of Milan in development of a product to value an archeological site.
*The product has recieved excellent feedback from all the organizations. The work is about to be commercialized.
Conservation and restoration of “Villa Reale”, Monza
Sinesis S.p.A.
September 2011 – December 2011
Participation in planning recovery and valorisation of the palace of the Hasburg court with its gardens: surveying of the building materials and decaying of the central part of the Villa. Documentation and processing of the nominal cards of restoration of the rooms
Assistant architect in the office of A. Vismara
Roma St. 3, Bollate, 20021
January 2012 – December 2012
Processing and management of renewing electrical wiring for housing and warehouse
Assistant Architect at Laura Romanò
A. De Amicis St. 42, 20017, Rho
February 2009 – October 2009
Processing of designs and project management from commencement until the realisation of the project

- Assistant Manager front of house
- Assistant organiser of competitions for international banks in Lombardia (skiing, tennis and soccer matches)
- Chauffeur for a luxury rental car in Italy and Europe
- Security service at events
2013 Master degree of Plan and Protection for the Historical Patrimony
Politecnic of Milan - Faculty of Architecture, Milan, Italy
2009 Bechelor degree of Landscape Architecture
Politecnic of Milan - Faculty of Architecture and Society, Milan, Italy
2005 Artistic High School
Lucio Fontana, Arese, Italy