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The composition of the sections happens graces the measurement of the heights gap, decreasing from the openings the placed side by side graded tape from a wire to lead, until the height of the windowsill of the below opening.


We have then begun with the construction of so said raumbuch that it identifies a method for the analysis and the management of buildings.


The system allows to collect the various cognitive contributions useful to describe a building compiutamente: the metric and photographic relief, stratigrafica the archival historical analysis and, the description of the materials and the constructive techniques, the abacus of the lockings and the systems, the acknowledgment of the the newsroom of the fessurativo picture and the results of the diagnostic and instrumental investigations.

Rock stairs

Afterwards we are passed to the relief of the visible structural elements, like capochiavi, lignee and metallic chains, beams, iron present elements inside of the masonry, mancanze that for form and alignment could be identified like holes pontaie. This in order to try to understand the possible constructive hypotheses, successively proposed for the three various plans mainly regarding the realization of the openings and the solai.


Moreover a series of diagnostic tests is proposed to have to be carried out inside of the main premises on the three plans, necessary in order to determine the effective composition of constructive elements and not.


About the project we study a possible  re-use of the "Devil House" as a photographic extension and the relatives accessibility to all the gorge.


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